Friday, November 29, 2019

This is not really a paper. i would just like to g Essay Example For Students

This is not really a paper. i would just like to g Essay Sexet a paper and this mother fucker wont let if anyone from the company is reading thisfuck you asshoEvelyn HumesEnglish 1010ArgumentFinal POLYGAMY is it EvilOr is it Getting a Bum RapAs a general rule I dont spend much time contemplating political affairs on the news.My interest in politics is minimal and I feel that most of what is said is a bunch of rhetoric, where common sense solutions or agreements are never the norm. But, with all the media attention lately on polygamist, Tom Green, my curiosity was piqued and I wondered about the timing and why Green was being prosecuted when polygamy has not been a punishable offense since the debated raid on a polygamist community at Short Creek, Arizona on July 26, 1953. On Friday May 18, 2001, Tom Green was found guilty of four counts of bigamy and one count of failing to pay child support. I hope to convince you that polygamy is not the menace to society that David Leavitt presents it to be and why polygamy needs to be legalized . Bigamy is against the law in Utah, and if I have a provable case, I have a duty to prosecute it, Juab County Attorney David Leavitt said But should bigamy be against the law? The First Amendment to the Constitution states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;. We will write a custom essay on This is not really a paper. i would just like to g specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now So how is it that the government is involved in an institution sanctioned by God himself. Polygamy has been practiced for thousands of years by mankind. The Christian church accepted and practiced polygamy until the seventeen century. Charles A. Rubenstein Evelyn Humes, p. 2reports that Mosaic law had no exception to the accepted practice of polygamy. The Old Testament patriarchs from Abraham to Solomon had plural wives and/or concubines. Opponents to polygamy claim that laws are needed to preserve and protect societys most important unit, the family. Women are made slaves they claim and the children are brainwashed and in some cases abused. Young girls in their early teens are forced to marry men thirty or more years their elder. The Green case is a good example. Tom Green is facing child rape charges stemming from his marriage to Linda Kunz when she was only 13.Why has it taken the state 15 years to decide to seek justice in this case; the courts should have intervened when these women were in their teens.The name David Leavitt was not well-known, now we all know that he is a prosecuting attorney in Juab County and the brother of Mike Leavitt the Governor of Utah, who themselves have a heritage of polygamy. Green has been on several national news programs such as Dateline, The Today Show and the Sally Jessy Raphael Show talking about his lifestyle, not the image that the state of Utah would like to have portrayed es pecially with the Olympics Games just around the corner. And, it needs to be considered that Green is an easy target. Who is going to object, no public outcry, certainly other polygamist are not. We already have laws dealing with statutory rape, child abuse, welfare fraud and murder let the courts justifiably seek punishment on these abuses, but the institution of plural marriage as it was first introduced is not a threat to society and is protected by the First Amendment. In this age of same sex partners, partial birth abortions, the debate to legalize marijuana, and the legalizing of RU-486 a pill that terminates pregnancies up to seven Evelyn Humes, p. 3weeks, polygamy as a plague on society pales in comparison.In The Daily Herald, David Leavitt estimated, a very rough preliminary estimate, that cost for the bigamy trial was $24,000. There are approximately 30,000 polygamists in the western United States. It will be a very expensive proposition if the courts start down that road. Those outside of Utah have a negative perception of polygamy that comes from the media news of the few religious fanatics. People like Lafferty, who said that God told him to kill his sister-in-law and the Lebaron and Kingston clans who

Monday, November 25, 2019

Teaching Strategy Essay Example

Teaching Strategy Essay Example Teaching Strategy Essay Teaching Strategy Essay This study focused on the present teaching strategy of the Instructors of College of Computer Engineering Information Technology at university of Canaan Valley, Autograph city, Canaan. The study aims to develop Capability of Information Technology Students with and without computer at home in programming subjects. Especially it aims to determine the problems encountered in the teaching-learning process in Programming as perceived by, the students, determine the importance eater of programming in terms of Performance, Information/Data, Economics, Control and Security, Efficiency, and Services. It further alms to determine the extent of compliances the problems encountered by the students In the programming subject. The majority of the respondents were from IBIS 2nd year with a frequency of One Hundred Fourth (140). These results were gathered using survey questionnaire. Based on the Weighted Mean and Descriptive Interpretation on the Features as received by the Students In the use of the Proposed Research, majority response was Great Extent. Therefore there is no significant difference in the Proposed System in terms of Performance, Information/Data, Economics, Control and Security, Efficiency and Services. Based on the findings, there were problems encountered in the present teaching method. The researchers wish to recommend implementation and adaptation of The Proposed Capability of Information Technology Students with and without computer at home in programming subjects. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researchers wish to express their profound gratitude to the Grand Creator, who made everything possible in the completion of this output, for the strength He provide and the inspiration to keep on in spite of the difficulties and challenges they encountered. They also extend their appreciation to the following whose invaluable assistance made this study possible. Dry. Armenia C. Libyan,Jar. For sharing us his knowledge and the encouragement he imparted to u; Dry. Carroll T. Pearls Harry potter By marital This study focused on the present teaching strategy of the instructors of College of Computer Engineering Information Technology at University of Canaan Valley, Control and Security, Efficiency, and Services. It further aims to determine the extent of compliances the problems encountered by the students in the programming Based on the Weighted Mean and Descriptive Interpretation on the Features as perceived by the Students in the Use of the Proposed Research, majority response Dry. Carton T. Pearls

Friday, November 22, 2019

Organizational change in the public sector Essay

Organizational change in the public sector - Essay Example They bring sophisticated technology to cope with this competitive environment. It is said that there is no best way to manage the organizational change but public sector organizations must need some appropriate approaches to manage the organizational change to cope with the private sector organizations. Some people think that privatization is appropriate for organizational change but it is inappropriate for the public sector organizational change because there is lack of clarity in privatization. Structural and cultural changes are appropriate for public sector organizational change (Coram, Ron, and Burnes 2001) Weaknesses of Public Sector Organizations Public sector organizations are under pressure throughout the world for its less efficiency. Organizational change in public sector can be achieved through changes in men charged with leadership, personnel turnover, human resource management changes, procedure and structure change , way of communication, technology, methodology, shari ng cultural norms, training the employees. The changes in leadership personnel can have a negative impact (Karen Ann 259 page). When the change is implemented there might be some resistance occurred. There may be the conflict among the employees, owners and executives (Leigh, Karyn 2002). Mostly public sector organizations are vertically integrated. ... Strengths of Public Sector Organizations In the horizontal structure there are few positions are at top and the remaining people are the peers. This structure is more common in law, architecture and medical firms. Staff works in teams rather than according to the hierarchy. Few public organizations use divisional structure. In this structure functions and responsibility are assigned according to the territory basis. Examples The department of homeland security and the California energy commission are examples of public sector organizations that are operating under matrix structure. Matrix structure is a mixture of divisional and functional structure. These two departments use highly specialized employees and equipment, employees do the same task repetitively and they get specialize in that particular task. How changes are implemented in public sector organization Diagram (Dolan & Garcia, 2002) Organizational change in public sector can be done through a proper process. First of all o rganization must do its SWOT analysis. After doing the SWOT analysis organization see that where they are standing today and what they want to be in future. So there is a gap between the today and future. This gap can be filled by doing some proper changes. These changes can be Corporate values and norms Organizational structure and process Regarding the products and services (This is 100% UNIQUE) Result of organizational change Organization also sees that from these changes Who will be affected? What will be the cost? How much time is required to fulfill this gap? What will be the major focus areas during fulfilling this gap? Public sector organization can make changes in the organization through Information Communication Involvement Education and training

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Manish or not Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Manish or not - Essay Example The styles of the era created a softer, more feminized version of men’s wear exemplifying the growth of feminism as young men, admittedly as much in rebellion against older generations, were seeking to understand the mystical sense of the ’Otherness’ of the female gender. As the sexual revolution was creating a confusion within the defining factors of gender identification, embracing both aspects of the human experience became popularized and reflected in cultural art and design. In looking at â€Å"Mr. Fish†, the design, texture, and construction of the suit creates the soft aspects of the feminine, while adapting the integrity of a male perspective in clothing. While the experimental periods of the 1960’s and 1970’s was curbed with the onset of the AIDS epidemic in the early 1980’s, the philosophical and theoretical discourse on sexuality that has interwoven identity with sexual desire and expressions has created an environment of on -going contemplation of the meaning of gender within the framework of the human experience. The concept of gender as compared to the concept of sex has been defined as one having to do with cultural and psychological identification, and the other having to do with biological identification. When the physical attributes of an individual does not match the culturally accepted behaviors that identify them as the gender associated with those behaviors, the individual finds themselves in a situation of that is not ideal for socialization. However, the 1960’s saw a time where the cultural norms associating gender to sex were blurred, creating an effect that was reflected in art and design. In looking at the displayed garment â€Å"Mr. Fish† which resides at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, an example of 1960’s design with overtones of androgyny allows for a discussion of gender identity, cultural reflection and philosophy. The

Monday, November 18, 2019

Beneficiary Interest Vs. Trustee Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Beneficiary Interest Vs. Trustee Power - Essay Example Trustees, having legal title to the property can exercise control over the property via the powers and rights bestowed on them by the settlor, who himself may be a beneficiary or trustee. These rights and powers arise from their office; they are to be exercised in their capacity as trustee and in the interest of beneficiaries who have beneficial ownership. With this beneficial title comes in equity, rights in respect of the trust rights themselves although not direct rights to possession of the trust property, (Law Commission 2011, P.227).These rights vary with the kind of trust created. The separation of ownership is one of the defining features of trusts .These powers pertain particularly in the trustee’s duty to invest the trust funds, duty to keep trust accounts and a duty to distribute trust assets according to the specifications of the trust. For breach of his duties, a trustee is liable for breach of trust for which the beneficiaries can sue for a money judgement. Benef iciaries have a right to due performance of the trust and to be considered. Powers of Investment The duty of investment has two major components: a duty to invest trust fund so as to be fair or even-handed between the different beneficiaries classes and a duty to invest the trust rights in such a manner as to protect them risk but also ensure reasonable returns.What amounts to investment is a matter of case law. In Re Powers, the court rejected the purchase of a house as residence for the beneficiaries as an investment because there would be no receipt of income from this. As pertains to even-handedness, the benefit of trust property is often divided into income and capital beneficiaries and it accrues as rent, dividends and so on. The guiding principle being that the character of an expense or receipt determines who bears it, hence capita for capital beneficiaries and expenses of an income nature are borne by income beneficiaries, (Penner 2008, P.275). Where such divisions cannot b e made, for example where all investment is income as in cases of wasting assets or where the investment doesn’t generate any income a trustee may favour a capital over an income beneficiary or vice-versa. Courts thus impose a duty of fairness requiring the trustee to equally weigh the capital in the making of his investment decisions. As demonstrable by the New Zealand case, Re Mulligan (1998), the duty to invest is a fiduciary one and only by being even-handed can he be said to have acted in the best interests of all beneficiaries. In the case the trustee investment choice maximised the income of the life tenant but there was little capital left in the fund on her death. Interestingly, Cowan v Scargill (1985) Megarry V-C held that trustees’ refusal of an investment plan amounted to a breach in trust. The standard of prudence required is subject to reasonableness, a trustee isn’t expected to overcome the market or save the fund from declining economic woes. The higher the risk of an investment the higher the returns to it. Historically, courts favoured safer options and until recently confined trustees to fixed interest government securities despite the broadness of investment clauses as designed by the settlor of the estate. Once interpreted restrictively, investment clauses are now given their plain meaning, Re Harari’s Settlement Trust, (1949). The Trustee Act gives the legal investment in the absence of clear instructions on the settlor’s part. The law gives a trustee limited powers to delegate investment-making decisions as is the power to appoint

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The effect of advertisement on people especially children and students

The effect of advertisement on people especially children and students Abstract Advertisement is all around us, we cant run away from it. One of the most important aims of advertising is to persuade consumers to buy a certain product. In general advertising have a negative effect in peoples mind. The product is done to be so effectively on people, so sometimes they are attracted to a product. And after they buy it they realize that the thing they saw in the advertisement is not really true. Advertisement has many effects on people and some of them are health and safety risks from false fact advertising, subliminal advertising, and deceiving children advertising. The false fact advertisements are deceiving people and lead them to buy products which it will affect negatively on them in the future. The most important audience for advertisement is children. Children are being controlled without knowing with the advertisement that is shown mostly on the TV. They are having problems like obesity because of the powerful attraction of advertisement. The third role of th e advertisement is subliminal advertisement and it sends ideas to people especially children and students which is inappropriate for them and effect them in the future. Itani 3 The word media was first used in the 1920s, and since the 1950s, amidst the high level of industrialization, mass media, radio and cinema, have been highly influencing politics. Mass media consists of all media technologies, including televisions, internet, radio, and newspapers, which are used also for mass communication. One of the messages the media transmits is advertising. Advertisement is an action to get the public attention towards a product or business through electronic media, or paid announcements in broad cast. Advertising can be done for a product, idea, person, or an organization. However, its importance lies in its containing only one single message that all the audience members would interpret alike. Advertising is a very important part of marketing. It is all around us, we cant run away from it. Where ever you look you see an advertisement; in your home you watch TV, and on the street seeing billboards. These days, TV and its advertisement are part of most families d aily life. It persuades people to buy their products. Customers get influenced by several types of advertisement to buy a product. These types are shown in different methods, like TV commercial campaigns, print media campaigns, billboards that are put on the streets, posters, product placement in films and TV programs, newspapers, magazines, and the internet. Studies on advertisement showed that TV ads are the most influential type of advertisement because most people watch TV, and because TV has the ability to transmit messages through sound, motion, and sight. Nowadays, commercials advertise their products that dont really function the way shown in the commercial. Advertisement programs should be for the peoples benefits not for the company. Consumers should be aware of risks in health and safety from false advertising, customers and children deceiving, and subliminal advertising. Itani 4 The economy is an important reason to keep advertisement in any country .Without spending every year hundreds of billions of dollars on advertising, many companies will lose money and many people will lose their jobs. On the other hand people are suffering and spending a lot of money on their medical care because they are being poisoned or had a disease because of the false and deceptive advertisement. Smoking advertisement is the most popular advertisement in the TV shows. It encourages people especially the teenagers to start to begin smoking. Smoking is so dangerous; it has many dangerous effects on heath. It causes many diseases like cancer which has no final cure. Smoking commercials are paying a lot of money to grab the attention of the people by their extremely nice advertisements. And people who smoke a lot dont realize the detrimental effect of smoking until they become ill and get obliged to pay more money on their health care. In Australia (2004- 2005) smoking related dis eases killed 14,900 Australians. This means that 40 deaths occurred every day. The major cause of that death was tobacco diseases including cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart diseases. Smoking kills more men than women, and rates were high among the teenagers, young people, and people of lower level of education. We have many advertisements on the TV that are fake-false fact and deceive us and affect our health. Like nowadays, many people without any educational degree advertise for a fake unhealthy medicine for many diseases with a lower price than the real medicine. These advertised product fall under several names like Amana care, Zein, and others. Many of these â€Å"so-called† herbal products contain chemicals some of which were tested to be carcinogens. And, recently it was found that a large number of weight-reducing medications that are advertised under Itani 5 â€Å"100% natural products† contained medicinal chemicals that are known to cause many side effects. Unfortunately, despite these facts, such products continue to be publicized on TV where naà ¯ve people get seduced to buy them. Advertisement has many audiences, but it mainly concentrates on two which are children and students. Warren (2008) argues: â€Å"Over the last 30 years, the percentage of U.S children which have over weight and obese has more than tripled†. The average time that children spend on media was 5 hours a day. This means that obesity and overweight comes from the extra use of media. Food products use a large portion of the television advertisement. Studies on food advertising have concluded that it is largely comprised of unhealthy foods and appeals uniquely suited to children. Commercials of food advertising are playing a big role in making children become obese. They are using the developed graphics to show the food in an excellent way to grab the eye of the audience. Warren (2008) argues: â€Å"With the holistic processing strategies employed, fun and entertaining images of food are easily understood by young children†. Advertiser should promote new initiatives to encourage healthy diets and increased physical activity of children. How can people know the news of the new technology and a lot of varieties without looking on the advertisement? Advertisement is important in our social life, particularly in keeping us updated by indicating new product or replacement if the old ones. It also needs a feedback from the customers regarding any product. On the contrary, many commercials are deceiving people by manipulating the standards of products. It means that sellers are manipulating something that in realty is wrong. Like the hard disk drive product, they show it that it fits 300 GB but in reality it is less than that. They play a psychological role to make people think that the commercials are making products or selling it in a way to make people benefit from it. For example medicine advertisements are shown in way to let people think that they dont need a doctor for health problems, its enough to listen or see the advertisements of fake medicines. Nowadays, television advertising is showing only the positive par ts of the products, but the negative things of the product that effect the human body are hidden. Like the hair color advertisement, they show it shiny and in an excellent way, but when people buy it and the instruction are read and it dont have that it also cause side effects on skin depending on different skins, which is not shown in the advertisements, this will lead to false labeling on products neglect the reality between the customer and the commercial. Moreover people face the main problem for beauty products. Sometimes because of the ad seen on television people may be attracted towards a product that is not much important to their life of those may create negative impacts on the body. It is important to look at the advertisements because it adds to our beauty. It also increases the use of certain product and acquiring more orders. Advertising need new customers to increase the brand recognition. Broyles (2004) says that: â€Å"What is seen as subliminal advertisement nowadays began in 1957 by a movie theater†. Many of the perfumes, shampoos and others accessories ads delivers subliminal sexual messages as all the given who appear in these ads in behave and address in a seducing manner. Children and students are growing up with a bad behavior because of these sexual messages. Many people face problems from beauty products. Sometimes because of the advertisement that is seen on the TV attract people to buy it and it is not important to their life and also may create negative effects on their body. Many advertisement like shopping effect people especially women to buy clothes even though she dont need it but she was attracted by the advertisers. More than that people with little minded that dont have money go and borrow it to buy the product that they think they need. Kilbourne (2000) says that: â€Å"advertising has a great impact in all of us, but we dont realize that†. Advertisement seen every day, so people should choose the right ones and know which is good and bad for them. There must be supervision from the parents on their children.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Video Game Violence Starter :: essays research papers

Video Game Violence Admiring the smooth barrel and full clip of bullets in his Sig model 552 Commando, Landros sat near the limestone corner listening to the footsteps and gunfire down the next hallway. Making sure not to be caught off guard by a lone commando, he set down a few claymore mines in the corridor behind him. Listening to the screams of both Terrorist and Counter-Terrorist clicked something in his mind... Time to clean up! Sprinting around the corner, two Terrorist bodies lay with their death weapons sprawled about. Three Counter-Terrorists were left alive but two terrorists down the hall were making a stand off with pistols. "This could be a movie." He thought to himself. Hauling past the lead filled crates and two dead bodies, he stop and braced himself for the explosive recoil of his deadly tool. Shell casings littered the hallway like marbles in a kids movie, making it extremely hard to walk. The first Counter-Terrorist, or CT, took three pierces from the 5.56 millimeter bullets then dropped to the floor. The middle CT did not notice his comrade drop because he was too far ahead, the one reloading his Colt M4A1 behind a crate however did and began to fumble the clip, he was quickly exterminated of. The remaining Counter-Terrorist emptied his clip and took cover from the returning 50 calibers. Sensing his comrades had either left him or died, the latter being the most likely, loaded his Steyr AUG like a lightning bolt. Being fixated on the gun, he completely forgot about Landros standing upon the crate waiting to see the whites of his eyes. Like a badly timed black and white taking bullets from a LA gang fight, the map changes and the chance to take exact revenge is lost. But not for long. Your probably wondering how a Map change happens in a gun fight between Counter-Terrorist and Terrorist and how the Terrorist was able to acquire a Sig Model 522 "Commando" and Army issue Claymore mines. Well in the world of First Person Shooters (or Half-Life MOD Counter-Strike specifically) these are items that are readily available to the user with the required amount of credits. Welcome to the World of Gaming. April 20th, 1999. Several small explosions rocked the entrance and surrounding area of Littleton, Colorado's Columbine Highschool. Soon after gunshots and a stampede of screaming bodies flooded the hallways of the school.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Classic 45c Notes

* Female by nature, not by law†¦are supposed to be obedient†¦ruled by men†¦there’s something unnatural about what Antigone is doing†¦. * This play is about gender also * Ismene =ideal woman * Women should be silent and Ismene voices that * Women should be sensible, should be ruled by men * Greek audience at the time is supposed to hate Antigone * Creon he wants to see himself as voicing the opinions of the gods†¦ Antigone also says that she’s working for the divine†¦and that complicates things * Creon stands for the city He aligns his authority with the authority of the gods * He doesn’t think of himself of going against the gods * He has taken over and summoned the people and asked them how he rules†¦.. how does he rule? Notice how he likes public speaking! When the city is suffering†¦. when the city is in trouble, you shouldn’t be silent * The city is at this point in a kind of danger that Creon does not see yet. H e will see it later on†¦. if the city is suffering he wants the people to speak up and take action†¦. he’s not talking about Antigone of course†¦. but she’s doing just that†¦. Loyalty is to the state! Not to another human being! * And yet at the end of the play, to whom does he show loyalty HIS SON * These are his values and he does not abide by his values†¦ * It is not in a way family vs. state†¦. it is family vs. Creon state†¦. this is the state that Creon is organizing†¦.. why does this state have to fall? Not state in general†¦. keep that in mind†¦ * He wants us to see the proclamation coming up is in harmony†¦.. he’s inviting us to see the proclamation: Eteocles will be buried in his grave while Polyneices will not be buried†¦. he is not to be mourned†¦.. Creon uses the future ( Eteocles SHALL BE BURIED†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦) * Antigone uses the past * Another thing we noticed is the cruelty of the ki ng ( you shall watch him chewed up )†¦something that we see rot, devoured, we see the body, he doesn’t belong with the living †¦. or the dead†¦what happens when the body becomes food for the animals * The idea that we’re supposed to watch someone rot, take delight in it†¦. * Someone is going to violate the proclamation, we don’t know who is the criminal†¦we are looking for the identity of the person who has violated the law†¦. what is the crime It looks almost miraculous, someone sprinkled dust over the body and buried it without leaving any marks†¦.. or traces†¦as if the body was visited from above * Chorus wonders if it’s the god’s doings†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦and Creon loses it when the Chorus says that! * Here’s Creon is arrogant, how can a man know what the gods want? * Both characters act in a way that they think the gods want them to do†¦. * Creon thinks he’s doing all this to please the gods Creon cannot believe that Antigone did the burial†¦. She is his niece and a woman! :O Notice that he’s interrogating and asking for the truth just like Oedipus * Nature is assisting Antigone†¦. ature participates in the events†¦mimicking what Antigone was gonna do with her own hands.. * The dust rising†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦she was about to finish the ritual but then someone removed the dust off the body the second time she visited the body * Why does Antigone abide by the laws of the gods? They are there forever†¦. * Human laws like everything human, are subject to change * Antigone is basically saying Creon’s worthless cause once someone comes after you to rule, things will change * Antigone’s demise and Creon’s demise * Both will have terrible ends Creon thinks that he has supreme power over her, and that power is to kill her†¦. according to the proclamation, whoever †¦they will be stoned to death in public,†¦fate given to he r by man†¦. gender roles is very important * Antigone tries to weaken his powers by put down his laws†¦. saying that his laws are not strong as the gods cause they were there forever†¦whereas his laws are only in effect in his reign†¦. that is one way * Second way is saying that I know I will die†¦. even if you are not the one putting me to death, I will die anyways†¦.. by saying that, she is robbing away of his power†¦. ssentially Creon is only a guy killing her†¦but her death is just gonna come to us†¦. death is part of the universe†¦what makes a difference is that we die naturally or someone is killing us†¦. * And creon’s reaction to antigone’s words is that he’s being lectured by a woman†¦ * Creon’s the man, so therefore he needs to teach this subordinate woman how to behave†¦. * He seems to think that whatever he believes is what the gods and how their people want†¦. identifies the ir wishes with what they think others wishes also * Ismene comes out, shy, obedient, at the end of theplay changes her mind and wants to die with Antigone†¦.. he had a real change of mind namely she saw that what she wanted in the beginning of the play when she was called cowardly†¦. her decision is as cowardly now namely that now she wants to be accused of the burial †¦is that she doesn’t want to be left alone†¦ * LONLINESS†¦. that’s another theme of the play * Antigone enjoys the support of the citizens but dies alone in a tomb * Creon is loathed by his citizens and is also alone when his family is no longer alive†¦he is ruling a kingdom and no one respects him†¦thought to be a corrupt king * Ismene doesn’t want to be alone†¦.. Creon changed his mind so that DEATH is killing her†¦and not him†¦so DEATH will kill Antigone and not Creon himself and that is an act of cowardice†¦. some of the characteristics tr ansfer to other characters * Haemon and exchange between father and son * Antigone is very much the daughter of Oedipus†¦.. Antigone and Haemon never talks†¦or interacts†¦. they never will come together†¦so son goes to talk to his father * What seems to matter to Creon more than anything else is obedience†¦power relationships†¦someone is obeying someone else†¦. e demands obedience from his sons and his subjects†¦ruling both state and family in the same way†¦. he does not differentiate the family and the state†¦.. in EVERYTHING†¦. small and just things and unjust things.. bigs.. that is the problem†¦. it is NOT family vs. state! It’s actually family vs. tyranny / Creon’s state†¦. * Is Creon disobedient? Does he violate his own principle? Yes he is disobedient to himself to his own proclamation†¦. this is to be contrasted to Oedipus†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦what Creon does when Tiresias comes forth†¦.. he cha nges his mind and does something different†¦. he actually tries to save Antigone to which he has condemned her†¦.. Creon thinks that both his family and city as his possession * He does rule the land at someone else’s judgement in the end†¦. by Tiresias †¦.. CONTRADICTIONS AND INCONSISTANCIES†¦. * He is not changing his principles†¦. but the change in action was for personal gain! Had he saved in Antigone, it’s doubtful for him to change his ruling if she even lived†¦. * Unmarried women are put to death in marriage gown†¦.. marrying dead kind of a ritual and so Antigone’s addressing the tomb as the bridal chamber†¦.. she’s having sex with Death, that’s her husband from now on.The idea is that DUE BRIDAL CHAMBER†¦already an emphasis on DEATH, not Haemon†¦ * To die if she so wishes or live†¦. how can she live?! SHE CANNOT LIVE†¦. she does NOT wish to die!!†¦. Creon wants a clean co nscience†¦. he makes it sound like whether Antigone dies or lives, it is up to her or the gods, he has nothing to do with it†¦.. * Antigone put in the tomb, locked inside, left there to die†¦. Polynices and he is not in his tomb†¦notice the unnatural of things†¦a living person taken into tomb†¦. not dead yet†¦a corpse is left outside left to rot†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ * Rituals are important the gods will not listen to the chorus cause of Creon’s past * protecting, shielding himself!†¦ he wants to keep Haemon so he can stay in his throne†¦. not for the sake of his son, it’s for himself†¦ * they might belong to different realms cause Creon does not see what’s going on inside the cave/tomb * Haemon is embracing Antigone, and Creon is asking him to join his father†¦. he would be saying bye to Antigone and joining the father, and also joining the political succession of his father and no love†¦. so what does he doâ € ¦he attempts to kill the father with his swords but fails†¦and cannot touch the father†¦. o far away and even the attempt fails,†¦so the father is still the king and Haemon †¦.. he no longer belongs to anyone†¦. disowns his father†¦. he does not belong with death yet†¦. he leans on the sword (phallic symbol) and kills himself†¦. FULFILLMENT of marriage †¦.. sexual union with Antigone†¦. sword is the phallic that enters him†¦blood is of the woman†¦.. once blood starts coming out, blood drops fall on her white cheeks, break of hymen†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Antigone has never been touched by anybody†¦. Haemon’s body receives the wound * Eurydices kills herself with a knife and Creon is alone Political situation in france in the play * Think about nazi, jews, money, greed, later on before she dies (ring) * Who is the hero? Who is the villain? This makes it harder for us to pinpoint who is who†¦. * Antigone’s stubborn = French resistance * A lot of emphasis on childhood, beauty, purity * Many people who read anouilh’s play doesn’t like her * she goes back and forth a lot * METATHEATER : beyond the theater, outside the theater, something that goes beyond it * watching a play; any kind of comment about the play, about what’s going on†¦second look at what’s going on†¦. Prologue is a character that tells us what is going to happen * Chorus tends to delay, more of a commentary on the action itself†¦ similar function to the prologue in this play * Prologue is commenting on the roles of the characters, basically introducing us to the main actors, he is talking about the situation†¦.. * Page 4: Prologue gives us that insight into Creon’s soul: sensitive man, someone who doubts his political authority, something very important and different from the Sophocles one * Characters are full of self doubt, is a second level situation†¦looking a t what I’m doing and figuring out what I’m doing†¦.. Function of metatheater? The effect? * Conveys a sense of inevitability as if the characters cannot be anything other than what they are†¦they have been given roles†¦.. assigning the roles and they are going to enact the roles and there’s no escaping that†¦ * The idea that theater and maybe life in a totalitarian regime is more like a play†¦if you live in a state where you can die anytime, your life won’t matter much, might as well go out and have fun†¦.. et’s just do what we have to do and get it done †¦get the job done ( what Creon says a lot) and move on†¦truth of life lies elsewhere†¦.. characters talk about the truth a lot here†¦.. Antigone is kind of like that, but the truth she longs for is an illusion and doesn’t exist and all that she has in her life is what exists, nothing beyond that†¦ Prologue†¦. is just like the Greek gods, a kind of fate†¦. Scene between antigone and nurse Nurse doesn’t exist in the original†¦. have Tiresias but not here†¦ it’s the nurse..We are given a first insight of Antigone†¦. she’s rebellious, not sleeping, she’s out†¦god knows where she is Nurse thinks she’s having a boyfriend†¦yet she’s about to be betrothed to Haemon†¦aristocratic women should not behave this way†¦. there’s all this back and forth between them†¦ The Nurse is perhaps.. IS the example of pure love and care in the play, there’s nothing selfish, impure about her†¦. she’s all about selfless giving to Antigone, cares about her, loves her†¦political outsider, has no role, she’s a servant†¦. nothing to gain from the system†¦.. o you might say that’s what is achieved, introducing kindness and goodness into a world where motives are very much fluid, neither Creon or Antigo ne are good or bad, they are deluded†¦. Nurse is not full of Illusion†¦she loves Antigone Antigone Her famous word is saying NO†¦.. no is a word of a rebel†¦. She says yes to the Nurse†¦affirming a bunch of things to the Nurse even though it’s false†¦. we have a bunch of yeses right after the other. Affirming things to the Nurse, denying things to everyone else†¦WHY? Nurse is someone she trusts, not a political authority†¦.. rusts her and not an opposition to her as she is to everyone else, even her sister One of the things we noticed is that the relationship of Ismene and Antigone and how they are different in here than in Sophocles Ismene still the same in which she is opposite of Antigone, follows rules, obedient She understands where Creon’s coming from, but there’s some other stuff too One of them is the BEAUTY contest†¦. Antigone is physically unattractive and Ismene is physically attractive, and there’s a jealousy thing between the two sisters†¦. Haemon is in between†¦.Antigone steps in and uses Ismene’s stuff to attract Haemon STRESSES Nazi’s term of BEAUTY blonde, blue eyes, and not any way dark skin and stuff Ismene is the resemblance of beauty= German Nazis Antigone= French resistance STRENGTH & WEAKNESS Antigone .. not as beautiful as Ismene apparently Antigone’s love for dirt and mud†¦. has a lot to do with her upbringing, was told to do things in a certain order, she was told to be clean, not dirty†¦. keeping surface clean of mud, cover up the imperfections, not let physical ugliness show†¦. Same applies to strength†¦ Person who says no? erson who says yes? Antigone in this play is IN LOVE WITH LIFE†¦she loved life when she was little, but as she grew up, she realized that the world is really corrupt so now she doesn’t really care about dying and she doesn’t others to touch her†¦does that mean Antigon e is in love with death? NO, not exactly, she is tired of living†¦.. a very young innocent Antigone and now that she is an adult, she doesn’t want the world that she sees in her†¦she js doesn’t want to live IN THIS WAY†¦rejecting REGIME†¦German occupation of France, resisting THAT kind of life†¦ Childhood= paradise†¦. or example Antigone just like in Sophocles play buries her brother twice 1st time she buries her brother= just the sprinkling of the earth†¦.. †are you sure it wasn’t an animal that did it? † animal metaphors †¦. THE SPADE†¦little childhood spade†¦rusty also.. we know that this spade belongs to Polynices children are associated with purity, innocence, all these ideas that the Nurse resembles spade= rusting†¦.. playfulness, innocence, lack of care is gone .. it doesn’t exist. uses this to bury the brother second time, Antigone did it with her bare handsAntigone is very much be having like an animal when she is arrested Creon thinks it might have been an animal the first time She behaves like an animal Why would a girl be like an animal? What’s the association with the animal that ends up being a woman Why bring up animals here? Antigone is very much an adolescent, someone who hasn’t grown up†¦.. her using the spade is a sign of someone clinging to childhood, innocence†¦. the animal means she doesn’t want to enter â€Å"society† Nurse gives her little pet names†¦all of them have to do with birds†¦. alls her dove/sparrow/turtle dove†¦.. so that’s another case in the play where Antigone is thought of as a bird, as a non human, term of endearment used by the bird†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦all of them comparing Antigone to a non-human and then we have Creon continuing that later on†¦.. all of these things resemble Antigone as not belonging to society †¦. that and she doesn’t put make up†¦noth ing artificial on†¦sign of clinging to childhood†¦. rejection of artificiality, she’s clean pure, naked†¦.. clings to childhood cause everyone else is an adult * Both Jonas and Antigone are under Creon’s rule Jonas is a guy that says YES†¦doesn’t rebel in any way†¦.. Antigone is the rebel * How does the guards behave†¦. his desire to be on the ruler’s good side†¦promotes himself a lot†¦saying he does his job well†¦. Creon and Jonas are fixated on doing well & being efficient * Creon is very in favor of taking orders and executing†¦Jonas is his subject * Efficiency†¦. every failure was followed by with justifications just in case the king wants to kill you†¦his greed to get more money†¦ * Self promotion, beautifulness, efficiency, desire to be on the ruler’s good side†¦.. nd those are the values that Creon likes and that’s what Jonas displays * We know who did it and now we go to the confrontation between Antigone and Creon * Creon’s obsession with duty†¦. he sees his job as a duty that needs to be executed almost mechanically†¦. Creon has been given the role so he needs to play that role as best as he can†¦it’s all over the play†¦. so a few examples * Creon says that Thebes needs a king with no fuss†¦Ismene’s a sensible person, Antigone’s a irrational person * Creon is the guy that says yes * Antigone’s a person that says no Creon is caring about just DOING THE JOB, doesn’t matter about how it’s done†¦not that kinda guy†¦just DO THE JOB * By doing that, Jonas and Creon is alike * Creon is the lover of CLEANLINESS†¦Antigone is the one that likes to get her hands dirty†¦mud†¦. Ismene is the clean make up etc†¦. make up†¦. Antigone is the natural, and Ismene is not†¦.. * Creon is a practical guy†¦hygiene * **The world is empty of meanin g†¦.. Haemon and Creon are talking†¦Haemon wants someone to look up to, to have values†¦. Creon says that we are alone and the world is empty and you’ve looked up to your father too long * values are what make the world work†¦. ut in the play, if you’re given an order, just go execute it†¦if you want to live and value life, given a task execute that task†¦ * next: keeping quiet†¦is what Ismene shows in both plays†¦. * Creon here does not believe in the gods in this play†¦. he thinks the gods are him in this play†¦absence of the divine completely†¦. gods are actually being ridiculed * Creon: be practical†¦don’t waste time†¦. get married have kids live a happy life and then die * One of the THEMEs: NEGATIVITY†¦fact that she says no all the time†¦. * Antigone thinks she’s the best thing in a corrupt world†¦she will only love a Haemon that is like her†¦

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Mrs. Alving From Henrik Ibsens Ghosts

Mrs. Alving From Henrik Ibsen's 'Ghosts' Henrik Ibsens play Ghosts is a three-act drama about a widowed mother and her prodigal son, who has returned to his dreary Norwegian home. The play was written in 1881, and the characters and setting reflect this era. The Basics The play focuses on the unraveling of family secrets. Specifically, Mrs. Alving has been hiding the truth about her late husbands corrupt character. When he was alive, Captain Alving enjoyed a benevolent reputation. But in reality, he was a drunkard and an adulterer- facts that Mrs. Alving kept hidden from the community as well as her adult son, Oswald. A Dutiful Mother Above all things, Mrs. Helene Alving wants happiness for her son. Whether or not she has been a good mother depends upon the readers point of view. Here are some of her life events before the play begins: Tired of the Captains drunkenness, Mrs. Alving temporarily left her husband.She hoped to be romantically embraced by the towns local priest, Pastor Manders.Pastor Manders did not reciprocate her feelings; he sends Mrs. Alving back to her husband.When Oswald was young, Mrs. Alving sent her son to boarding school, shielding him from the true nature of his father. In addition to the above events, it can also be said that Mrs. Alving spoils Oswald. She praises his artistic talent, gives in to his desire for alcohol, and sides with her sons bohemian ideologies. During the plays last scene, Oswald (in a state of delirium brought on by his illness) asks his mother for the sun, a childhood request which Mrs. Alving had somehow hoped to fulfill (by bringing happiness and sunshine into his world instead of despair). In the final moments of the play, Oswald is in a vegetative state. Although he has asked his mother to deliver a fatal dose of morphine pills, it is uncertain whether Mrs. Alving will adhere to her promise. The curtain falls while she is paralyzed with fear, grief, and indecision. Mrs. Alvings Beliefs Like Oswald, she believes that many of societys church-driven expectations are counterproductive to achieving happiness. For example, when she discovers that her son has a romantic interest in his half-sister, Regina, Mrs. Alving wishes she had the courage to allow the relationship. And lets not forget, in her younger days, desired to have an affair with a member of the clergy. Many of her tendencies are highly unorthodox- even by todays standards. It is important to note, however, that Mrs. Alving did not follow through on either impulse. In Act Three, she tells her son the truth about Regina- thus preventing a potentially incestuous relationship. Her awkward friendship with Pastor Manders reveals that Mrs. Alving not only accepted his rejection; she also does her best to live up to societys expectations by continuing the facade that her feelings are purely platonic. When she tells the pastor: I should like to kiss you, this could be seen as a harmless quip or (perhaps more likely) a sign that her passionate feelings still smolder beneath her proper exterior.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

6 Ways to Help Beat Student Stress - Proofread My Paper

6 Ways to Help Beat Student Stress - Proofread My Paper 6 Ways to Help Beat Student Stress The pressures of college life are many and varied, but the effects are undeniable: More students than ever are suffering from stress and stress-related mental health issues. Hopefully youre not facing anything quite this stressful.(Photo: Bernard Goldbach/flickr) As such, it’s vital that you know what to do if you’re feeling stressed. And these six tips are a good starting point. 1. Know the Signs of Stress The first step to beating stress is recognizing when you are stressed. After all, it can be easy to miss the signs when you’re busy with a dozen other things! Prominent symptoms of stress include: Irritability or feeling overwhelmed Difficulty concentrating Low self-esteem or constant worrying Headaches, tension and muscle pain Loss of appetite or difficultly sleeping Stress is experienced differently by everyone, so this list isn’t definitive. But if these symptoms do sound familiar, it’s important not to ignore them. 2. Know Your Stressors The best way to deal with anxiety is to cut it out at the source. Common stressors for college students include: Academic stress (i.e., worrying about grades and workload) Personal stress (i.e., anxiety about your personal and/or romantic life) Family stress (i.e., pressure from your family or adjusting to being away from home) Financial stress (i.e., making ends meet on a student budget) Uncertainty about the future (i.e., not knowing what you’ll do after college) The solution to these issues will depend on your situation, but knowing what makes you feel stressed will make it easier to make positive changes. 3. Talk It Out In many cases, simply talking to someone can be a great help. This could be friends, family, your professors or even a counselor (most colleges offer a counselling service for students). Discussing your problems is especially effective if you can talk to the people involved (e.g., talking about workload issues with professors). But even just chatting with a friend is better than keeping it all bottled up inside. 4. Eat Well and Exercise Your diet is important when you’re feeling stressed. Eat healthy food whenever possible, don’t skip meals, and cut out excessive caffeine (especially in the evenings). The suitcase is optional. Similarly, regular physical exercise has been shown to be important to stress management. 5. Rest and Recuperate Sometimes, stress is a result of burnout, especially when you’re juggling a lot of responsibilities. Getting plenty of sleep is therefore crucial. However, since anxiety can also cause insomnia, you should make sure your bedroom is set up to make sleeping easier (e.g., having a good mattress) and that you have a regular evening routine. 6. Relaxation Taking time off is also vital. Simply put, you’ll never be able to beat stress if you don’t give yourself the chance to relax occasionally. This could be as simple as hanging out with friends or binge-watching something on Netflix, as long as it takes your mind off work! For extra help, though, you might also want to try meditation and relaxation exercises. A little quiet time can go a long way.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The changing interaction of finance information and technology Essay

The changing interaction of finance information and technology - Essay Example The test life cycle of the system is divided in different scenarios from 1 through 11. The significant feature of the system is that it validates the data at every step. The process is completed by following scenarios which are defined below (Dan Lemus, April 13, 2011): Scenario 1 starts by creating a new project or working on the existing project. System assigns a unique user name for the user and stored it in the database of the system for later validation. To start a project we first define a project and system assigns a unique project code following with the details of Project principal, description and initiator of the project. When the project is formally initiated we move to Scenario 2. This phase of system is wholly related to the transfers funding for the project initiated. In this phase all accounting credentials are added against project initiated. Accounting information includes the accounting numbers â€Å"From Accounting Number† from which the fund will be transferred and the â€Å"To Account Number†. In this phase an important feature is also available to import accounting line information from a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file. Then final step is to submit the eDoc of transfer fund for routing to get approvals from the concerned. While proceeding to Scenario 3 the approvals will see the eDoc routed in their â€Å"Action List†. The approvers can approve/reject the document. They can leave remarks, if needed. When all the approvers have approved the eDoc the initiator will be able to see the Final status of the document in â€Å"Document Search† option at the top of the page. In Scenario 4 we can check the General Ledger Balance to see the current balance of the company. This detail can further be evaluated to monthly financial information. This information can help the managers to have a bigger picture of the funds available that could be consumed for a project. Next scenario (Scenario 5) is to make disbursement voucher in

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Edit my summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Edit my summary - Essay Example udy where the researchers focus mainly on how twitter helped public relation specialists in building relationships by having followers on twitter who helped in reaching out to other effective individuals or organizations. The communication on twitter can be bilateral if the two parties are following each other and it can be unilateral if only one party is following. Khalid Al†Shohaib, Ali A. J. Al†Kandari, & Masaud A. Abdulrahim (2009) mention the role of the Internet in facilitating the public relations practitioner tasks especially when the organization is facing competition. This study will be analyzing the usage of the Internet by Saudi public relations practitioners and that their Internet existence is tied to religious and political values. Diffusion of innovation theory is used to show Internet’s role in public relations in Saudi Arabia by sending surveys to the main three metropolitan regions in Saudi Arabia divided between public and private organizations. The findings highlighted that only 46 per cent of public relation practitioners are using the Internet to facilitate their tasks. Al-Enad (1992) discussed how public relations operate in different settings using public relation models. He used the critical theory and the ethical theory. The public relations practitioners are the link between the organization and the stakeholders. The focus to public relations focus can be divided into several categories that include organizational PR where the practitioners’ focus is the organizations goals, responsible PR where the needs of stakeholders come first, and balanced PR, which is based on dialog as well as considering the needs of organization and the stakeholders. The result of this study showed that the majority of organizations are trying to meet the needs of both parties. Saxton, G. D. & Waters, R. D. (2014). What do Stakeholders Like on Facebook? Examining Public Reactions to Nonprofit Organizations’ Informational, Promotional, and